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Showing posts from April, 2021

Poor Digestion Can Lead to Short & Long-Term Health Problems?

  Do you struggle with poor digestion, bloating, cramping, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation? Did you know that poor digestion can lead to both short and long-term health problem? You feel constantly bloated, constipated, gaining weight, bad skin or blood pressure increases?   If you do, you will know these symptoms and conditions can be difficult and uncomfortable, or even debilitating and extremely painful. 😱😰 Well, it’s not a surprise to find out that it has a lot to do with what you eat! Many individuals suffer from digestive problems for due to a number of causes. A lack of fiber is one of them, which can lead to both short and long-term health problems. Fiber is essential for the digestive tract to function properly. Fiber is also the food that the colon cells use to remain healthy. It softens and raises the weight and size of the stool. A bulky stool is quicker to pass, lowering the chances of developing a digestive problem. Eating plenty of fiber is

Super Grains Sacha Inchi Omega Plus - Natural Beverage with 7 Colours of Rainbow

Super Grains Sacha Inchi Omega Plus is a wholesome natural beverage made up of quality plant-based ingredients that are rich in anthocyanins and phytonutrients and come in seven different colours. Sacha Inchi Oil is a healthy source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the proper ratios for our bodies. This product also contains a lot of proteins and fibre. Super Grains Sacha Inchi Omega Plus is perfect for those looking to start off their day. AL-LECCA's Super Grains Sacha Inchi Omega Plus contains 29 multigrains consist of multigrains, vegetables, and sacha inchi oil providing you with multi-vitamins, minerals and omega 3, 6 and 9. It just takes 2 scoops and 150mL of warm water to get it ready to eat. Alternatively, you should add 1 scoop to the milk! It's delicious and sweet. and everyone will enjoy it, including your children. This is also a milk booster, assisting lactating mothers in producing more breast milk.  The Super Grains Sacha Inchi Omega Plus or also known as Multigrain bev

The Benefits of Sacha Inchi Oil

The Sacha Inchi plant also known as Plukenetia Volubilis is a edible seeds that are high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid, protein and other nutrients including vitamin E and beta-sitosterol. Despite being a fairly recent discovery in the health community of the United States, sacha inchi has been cultivated and used as a food source for 3,000 years in the Amazon rainforest. The fruit that these seeds grow in is inedible, but when lightly roasted with low heat the seeds take on a crisp nutty flavor . Moreover, Sacha Inchi is said to offer a variety of benefits. Some proponents claim that eating Sacha Inchi will help you lose weight by reducing excess abdominal fat. In addition, Sacha Inchi is said to help with cholesterol reduction, heart disease preventation, and diabetes control. This superfood is easily digested and unlikely to cause allergies or irritation. The oil is also available. It has a similar flavor to olive oil, just slightly lighter and nuttier, but it contains m